About the Midwest Regional Conference
The AIChE Midwest Regional Conference (MRC) continues into its 13th year. Organized by the AIChE Chicago Local Section with support from AIChE Global, the MRC provides an opportunity for engineers and scientists in the region to learn about new technologies and network with others in the field. A particular objective of the conference is to build technical relationships between industrial practitioners and researchers in the governmental and academic spheres. While the conference will not be in-person this year, the virtual edition will seek to maintain the same atmosphere of comradery and learning, centered around a robust technical program featuring the topical areas listed further below.
The conference spans two days (Wednesday, March 17 and Thursday, March 18) and contains a number of keynote lectures as well as parallel technical sessions.
The Wednesday evening program is combined with the March edition of the AIChE Chicago Local Section Monthly Meeting.
The conference also features a Student Outreach Program, where Chicago-area high school students will become acquainted with the various facets of the chemical engineering profession. The outreach program features Dr. Elizabeth Corson (Stanford University) as a keynote speaker and includes a special virtual luncheon on Thursday (11:30 AM to 12:30 PM) where students can interact with practicing chemical engineers. More information can be found at the Outreach link.
The conference planning committee welcomes you to the 13th Annual AIChE Midwest Regional Conference and hopes you will take advantage of all the opportunities it has to offer!