
Analysis of the Institutional Framework for Bioenergy in Argentina

Analysis of the Institutional Framework for Bioenergy in Argentina

Today, the bioenergy sector in Argentina faces favorable conditions for its development, as a consequence of political changes undertaken by the current National Government, among which stand: the promotion of renewable energies as a priority issue within energy policy and the compromise with climate change mitigation, assuming that the energy and agroindustry sectors are key to revise and increase the NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) presented at CoP21.

Last march, the National Law 27.191 for the promotion of renewable energies was regulated, aiming to provide certainties to private investment by setting a long term policy for the sector. It proposes to cover 20% of the total consumption of electricity by 2025.

The improved prospects make of this a suitable time to work on strengthening the institutional and regulatory frameworks for bioenergy, assuring its sustainable development and transforming into reality it's huge potential.

The current institutional framework can be briefly carachterized by: the existence of numerous public and private initiatives, with an overlapping of goals and actions; insufficient articulation and institutional coordination; an important potential for the development of capacity-building and difficulties por the generation and dissemination of information.

The overcoming of institutional barriers (as well as regulatory and technological ones) is perceived as a key element that would allow the country to seize the existence of high quality technological and productive resources for the adoption of environmentally sound technology innovations, leading to the utilization of organic residues for energy generation in agriculture and agroindustries.

It is therefore considered prioritary to address the establishment of strong and long term institutional links by integrating ongoing initiatives under common development goals, consistent with the government's policies for renewable energies.
