Divisions and Forums | Page 7 | AIChE

In the fast evolving chemical engineering profession, AIChE’s divisions and forums will keep you on the cutting edge of your specialty. Beyond just technical information, divisions and forums give you opportunities for affiliation with top engineers in both general disciplines and emerging fields like biotechnology and sustainability.

Divisions and forums provide programming for AIChE’s technical meetings, and awards and recognition to outstanding chemical engineers in their area of expertise. Join divisions or forums to meet new colleagues, exchange ideas, discuss the latest trends, and build lasting business relationships.

Community of Division & Forum Officers

You've decided to hone your leadership skills by becoming a division or forum officer. The Volunteer & Membership Activities Department wants to ensure you have what you need to do the job. Find links to guides and resources that will help you understand your responsibilities, manage activities, program meetings, and more.

Division & Forum Awards

Robert E. Wilson Award


A plaque and $1000.

DeadlineJune 13, 2024
AdministratorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Nuclear Engineering Division’s Robert E. Wilson Award Luncheon at the AIChE Annual Meeting, after which the awardee addresses the Division with a keynote lecture.
Nomination Instructions

To nominate a candidate for this award, please send a letter detailing the nominee’s chemical engineering contributions and achievements that merit consideration together with a curriculum vitae to Dr. Max Gorensek at mbgorensek@gmail.com or/and Dr. Valmor F. de Almeida at valmor_dealmeida@uml.edu. AIChE membership is a prerequisite.

SponsorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)

Dr. Robert E. Wilson (1893-1964), a graduate of the College of Wooster (Ohio) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of over 100 technical papers and holder of over 100 patents, recognized for his scientific contributions with three important scientific medals, honorary doctorates...

Sabic Young Professional Award


Award consists of $2,000, a plaque, and two tickets to PTF award dinner.

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsParticle Technology Forum (PTF)
PresentationAward presented at the PTF dinner during the AIChE Annual meeting. Awardee needs to submit a short article for the PTF Newsletter and may be asked to deliver a talk at a suitable PTF session at the Annual meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination procedure and package contents:

Send nominations to reddy.karri@psri.org.

•      Full nomination package should consist of a single PDF file that contains all of the following items to be sent to to silvina@soe.rutgers.edu.  This is a one-step process.  Any issues with your nomination will be communicated to the nominator.

1.      Filled nomination form (download from Nomination Packet form)

2.      A two page letter of nomination stating how the nominee contributed to the field of particle technology in terms of scholarship, research, development, service and education

3.      At least three and no more than five supporting letters, one of which must be from industry

4.      The nominator must be a current PTF member

5.      If the nominee has previously received any award from AIChE or one of its divisions/forums, an explicit statement of new accomplishments or work over and above those cited for the earlier award(s) must be included (max. of one double spaced page).

6.      Selected bibliography (including books, patents, and major papers published).

SponsorsSABIC Technology Center

This award recognizes outstanding and internationally recognized contributions in particle technology by a young professional under 45 years old.

SEP Founders Award


A check for $1000, a plaque, and 2 complementary tickets (recipient plus guest) to the Separations Division Awards Dinner at the AIChE Fall Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 1, 2024
AdministratorsSeparations Division (SEP)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Separations Division Dinner held during the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Up to four supporting letters are required. To facilitate the review process, the preferred format for Nomination Packages is electronic, in ".pdf" format. If you wish to submit a Nomination Package in any other format, electronic or print, please contact the Separations Division. Send nominations to: swickram@uark.edu190proofsummers@gmail.com and cj@aquamembranes.com.

Nomination Form

This award recognizes outstanding service to the Separations Division. The recipient must have a considerable record of service to the Separations Division and the separations area, performed above and beyond the expected duties, and participated extensively in a variety of division activities...

Separations Division Education and Outreach Award


A check for the requested award amount up to $5,000 and a complementary ticket to the Separations Division Awards Dinner at the AIChE Fall Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 1, 2024
AdministratorsSeparations Division (SEP)
PresentationThe Division will present this recognition at the Separations Division Awards Dinner held during the AIChE Fall Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Principal investigators will submit to the Division Chair a written proposal containing the following sections. PIs are encouraged to discuss potential projects with the Division Chair prior to the AIChE Spring Meeting to obtain preliminary feedback.

  1. Description of the proposed work (1 page),
  2. Time frame, proposed personnel, and personnel roles (1 page),
  3. Budget and budget justification (1 page, requested funds must be <$5,000 and level of cost sharing indicated clearly),
  4. Deliverables (1 page), and
  5. ​CV for all personnel if known (1 page each).

The proposal should be submitted as a single PDF document.

  • Principal investigators will present their proposal to the Separations Division at the fall planning meeting (15 minutes).
  • The Separations Division officers and directors will make all funding decisions immediately following the presentation(s).
  • Within one month of the project conclusion, principal investigators will submit a one page final project report summarizing the activity and providing a final accounting of project funds. All deliverables are due with the report.
  • Send nominations to: azhe@chevron.com190proofsummers@gmail.com and haiqingl@buffalo.edu.
SponsorsSeparations Division (SEP)

This award recognizes outstanding work to devise, improve or enhance teaching methods for Separations in Chemical Engineering Education and Outreach. The Separations Division will consider proposals from its membership to support educational and outreach activities for this award. The following guidelines will be followed for receiving, evaluating, and awarding proposals. Questions regarding appropriateness of topic or the funding process should be directed to the Division chair.

Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award


A plaque and $200 for each award recipient.

DeadlineMay 1, 2024
AdministratorsSeparations Division (SEP)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Separations Division Dinner at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

For consideration for the award, the following should be submitted:

  1. a single paper contributing to separations fundamentals or applications. This paper may be co-authored by others, but the student nominee must have been the primary author. The paper should be of a quality acceptable for publication in journals such as the AIChE Journal or Chemical Engineering Science.
  2. a single nomination letter detailing the student's strengths and accomplishments, writtenby a faculty member, who must be a member of AIChE.
  3. The student's CV

To be eligible for this year’s awards, the nominees must currently be graduate students or have been graduate students since the last AIChE Annual meeting. Nominations are due May 1st.

The selection criteria include:

1.The paper must report on research, investigation or design, and must be part of the student's work for a graduate degree.

2.The paper may be co-authored by others, but the student nominee must have been the primary author.

3.The paper should be of a quality acceptable for publication in journals such as the AIChE Journal and Chemical Engineering Science.

4.Papers will be judged on technical content, quality of writing, and organization.

5.The person nominating a student must be a member of AIChE.

Submit nomination packets to 190proofsummers@gmail.com , joshua.thompson@chevron.com and cj@aquamembranes.com.   All submissions must be electronic. Nomination letters must be submitted in Adobe Acrobat format or Microsoft Word.

Recognizing his support and overall long-term commitment to student development in the membranes area, the Professor Dibakar Bhattacharyya Graduate Student Research Award has been established to recognize outstanding graduate student research in this area from the nominations received.

A $300 Graduate Student Research Award, sponsored by Fractionation Research Incorporated (FRI), is given from the nominations received, to acknowledge exceptional graduate student research in the field of Distillation and Absorption. The award is named after José Luis Bravo, who was a passionate advocate of Distillation Research and Separations Equipment. Over the course of his career at UT Austin, Shell, Jaeger Products, and FRI, José devoted himself to the study of Distillation and Absorption. The award is a testament to his lifelong dedication to this field.

SponsorsSeparations Division (SEP), Chevron Corporation

Recognizes outstanding graduate students in adsorption and ion exchange, crystallization and evaporation, distillation and absorption, extraction, fluid-particle separations, membrane-based separations, and bioseparations.

Shell Thomas Baron Award in Fluid-Particle Systems


Award consists of $1,000, a plaque, and two tickets to PTF award dinner.

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsParticle Technology Forum (PTF)
PresentationThe award is presented at a Forum sponsored event at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination procedure and package contents:

1.      Send nominations to Maria Tomassone silvina@soe.rutgers.edu.

2.      Full nomination package should consist of a single PDF file that contains all of the following items to be sent to silvina@soe.rutgers.edu. This is a one step process. Any issues with your nomination will be communicated to the nominator. 

3.      Filled nomination form (download the Nomination Packet form found)

4.      A two page letter of nomination stating how the nominee made a significant impact to the field of fluid particle systems or in a related field with potential for cross fertilization with relevance to the topics of interest to PTF community

5.      At least three and no more than five supporting letters

6.      The nominator must be a current PTF member

7.      If the nominee has previously received any award from AIChE or one of its divisions/forums, an explicit statement of new accomplishments or work over and above those cited for the earlier award(s) must be included (max. of one double spaced page).

8.      Selected bibliography (including books, patents, and major papers published).

SponsorsShell Global Solutions

This award recognizes an individual's recent outstanding scientific/technical accomplishment which has made a significant impact in the field of fluid particle systems or in a related field with potential for cross fertilization with relevance to the topics of interest to PTF community.

Sustainable Engineering Forum Education Award


The Awardee will receive $1,000 and a plaque.

DeadlineJune 1, 2023
AdministratorsSustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)
PresentationThe Award will be presented at the Sustainable Engineering Forum luncheon during the AIChE Annual National Meeting. The Forum may offer to present the award at a SEF plenary session.
Nomination Instructions

Each nominee will be judged primarily on the significance of his/her contribution and active leadership leading to the advancement of sustainability education in the engineering field. The award will be presented annually for outstanding achievement as an educator in the area of sustainability engineering. Emphasis should be placed on accomplishments and advances made within the last five years, although the award can also be made to someone who has had an outstanding career.

Nominations should be submitted to: Professor Fengqi You as a single PDF file by email

SEF Awards Committee Chair: Professor Fengqi You

Email: fengqi.you@cornell.edu


Nomination Form

The SEF Education Award will recognize and honor one educator who has made outstanding contributions to sustainability education. Examples of contribution include, but are not limited to successful incorporation of sustainability education in the classroom or an engineering community. ...

Sustainable Engineering Forum Practice Award


The Awardee will receive a plaque and $1,000.

DeadlineJune 1, 2023
AdministratorsSustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)
PresentationThe Award will be presented at the Sustainable Engineering Forum during the AIChE Annual National Meeting. The Forum may offer to present the award at a SEF plenary session.
Nomination Instructions

The applicant’s achievements will be based on publications (articles, patents, and internal reports) and reputation substantiated by at least three (3) written recommendations. The selection of the Awardee for a given year will be based on their continued contributions to the development, implementation and dissemination of sustainable engineering practice in the chemical process industry and related fields. Contributions may include paradigms for sustainable development and/or general application of new practices. The Awardee need not necessarily be a chemical engineer. The applicant or at least one member of the team must be a member of AIChE Sustainable Engineering Forum at the time of application.

Nomination documents should be submitted to: Dr. Ignasi Palou-Rivera as a single PDF file by email

SEF Awards Committee Chair: Dr. Ignasi Palou-Rivera

Email: ignap@aiche.org 


Nomination Form

This award recognizes individuals or teams who have made outstanding contributions pertinent to sustainable engineering.


Sustainable Engineering Forum Research Award


The Awardee will receive $1,000 and a plaque.  

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsSustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)
Presentation The Award will be presented at the Sustainable Engineering Forum luncheon during the AIChE Annual National Meeting. The Forum may offer to present the award at a SEF plenary session
Nomination Instructions

The applicant’s achievements will be based on both publications and reputation substantiated by at least two (2) written recommendations. Emphasis should be placed on accomplishments and advances made within the last five years, although the award can also be made to someone who has had an outstanding career. The Awardee need not necessarily be a chemical engineer. The applicant must be a member of AIChE and Sustainable Engineering Forum at the time of application.

Nominations should be submitted to:

SEF Awards Committee Chair

Professor Yinlun Huang

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.

Email: yhuang@wayne.edu

Phone: 313-577-3771

Nomination Form

Award is presented annually for basic or applied research results relative to the sustainability of products, processes, or the environment. The award is to recognize one who has made significant technical contributions to research and development activities.

Sustainable Engineering Forum Student Paper Award


Up to three papers will be selected each year.  Student Award recipients will receive $500 for travel expenses associated with attending the AIChE annual meeting, plus a certificate of recognition.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Technical merit: The student(s) needs to provide original experimental data and/or published facts.
  2. Quality: The student(s) should have the paper published (or to be published) in a refereed journal within the last two years.  Papers submitted to (but not yet accepted to) technical journals may be considered for this award.
  3. Results: The content of the paper needs to describe significant (to society) results.
  4. Authorship: The student(s) needs to be the first author(s).
  5. Qualifications: The student(s) must be members of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the SEF.
  6. Nomination: Self-nomination is disallowed. Each nomination should include the AIChE Awards nomination form, a copy of the paper, the student’s membership information, and at least one (1) written support letter in addition to the nomination letter.
DeadlineJune 1, 2023
AdministratorsSustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)
PresentationThe Award will be presented at the Sustainable Engineering Forum luncheon during the AIChE Annual National Meeting. The Forum may offer to present the award at a SEF plenary session.
Nomination Instructions

Papers may be submitted directly by student(s) or another AIChE member. An e-mail copy of the paper and a completed nomination form are to be sent to the SEF Awards Committee Chair. The student may submit an application to join SEF, if not already a member. 

Application/Nomination documents should be submitted to: Professor Fengqi You as a single PDF file by email

SEF Awards Committee Chair: Professor Fengqi You

Email: fengqi.you@cornell.edu

Nomination Form

Or Contact SEF Awards Committee Chair for Nomination Form

Awards are presented to full-time undergraduate or graduate students who prepare the best technical papers that describe results related to engineering and sustainability.

