Links to presentations are now available in the workshop program below.
This 1 ½ day workshop, chaired by Ralph Exton (GE Power & Water), was held May 1 -2 in San Antonio, Texas. TheWorkshop examined the various factors that drive decisions about water use and reuse and to identify technologies and strategies to design efficient, productive and economically feasible water reuse and conservation projects.
The purpose of this workshop was to examine various factors that drive decisions about water use and reuse and to identify technologies and strategies to design efficient, productive and economically feasible water reuse and conservation projects.
Session Topics:
- Regulatory Climate: The current trends and future regulations that affect decisions for and against water reuse and conservation.
- Industry Perspective: An examination of the hurdles and opportunities for water reuse and conservation in industrial sites and to the role of other factors such as scarcity, regulation, and corporate sustainability issues in these decisions.
- Technology and Applications: A review of commercialized and developmental technologies for industrial water reuse and conservation and application strategies.
- Practical Implementation: This session built on the previous three and consisted of two panels taking the audience through real life water reuse scenarios and how to implement the projects.
- Final Panel: The final panel consisted of speakers from the other sessions and was a discussion with the audience on whether industrial water reuse and conservation projects a truly a productive, efficient and economic proposition or a pipe dream.
Workshop Program
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
5:00-6:30PM | Registration Check-In |
6:00-7:00PM | Opening Reception |
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
7:30-8:00AM | Registration Check-in |
8:00-8:15AM | Welcome Remarks and Workshop Overview - Ralph Exton (GE Power and Water) |
8:15-9:15AM | Keynote: Rethinking Water Reuse Management - Amanda Brock (Water Solutions) |
9:15-10:00AM | Coffee Break |
10:00-11:30AM |
Session 1: Regulatory Climate Session Chair: Jim Goodrich (EPA) |
10:00-10:30AM | Trends in Water Reuse - James R. Brown (EPA) |
10:30-11:00AM | Global Trends in Industrial Water Reuse - Jon Freedman (GE Power and Water) |
11:00-11:30AM | Texas Regulatory Direction for Water Conservation - Julie Klumpyan (Valero) |
11:30AM-12:45PM | Lunch |
12:45-3:45PM |
Session 2: Industry Perspective Session Chair: Walker Garrison (Valero) |
12:45-1:15PM | Follow the Water: Chemical Manufacturing Recycle/Reuse Opportunities and Solutions - Gena Leathers (Dow) |
1:15-1:45PM | Water Use and Reuse in an Integrated Paper Mill - Carson Barry (NewPage Corporation) |
1:45-2:15PM | Water Efficiency...For Refineries? - Travis Capps (Valero) |
2:15-2:45PM | DuPont Sustainable Water Use Solutions - Robin Jenkins (DuPont) |
2:45-3:15PM | Water Reuse in the Petroleum Industry - Jim Myers (Chevron) |
3:15-3:45PM | Coffee Break |
3:45-5:45PM |
Session 3: Technology and Applications Session Chair: Jeanette Brown (University of Connecticut) |
3:45-4:15PM | Applying Advanced Technologies to Reuse Applications - Erik Hanson (GE Power and Water) |
4:15-4:45PM | Availability of Models to Estimate & Minimize Greenhouse Emissions & Carbon Footprint of Water Reuse Facilities - James R. Mihelcic (University of South Florida) |
4:45-5:15PM | Connecting Application Requirements and Fundamental Science: Delivering New Water Component Technologies - Steve Gluck (Dow) |
5:15-5:45PM | Reuse Now! - Larry Gurnari (Veolia) |
5:45-6:45PM | Networking Reception |
Thursday, May 2, 2013
8:00-11:30AM |
Session 4: Practical Implementation (Notes) Session Chair: Loraine Huchler (MarTech Systems) |
8:00-9:30AM |
Title 22 Water Panel
9:30-10:00AM | Coffee Break |
10:00-11:30AM |
Internal Reuse Panel
11:30AM-12:30PM |
Session 5: Final Panel Session Chair: Tracy Young (Dow) Participants:
12:30-12:45PM | Closing Remarks and Workshop Wrap-Up - Ralph Exton (GE Power and Water) |
Organizing Committee
- Chair: Ralph Exton, GE Power & Water
- Jeanette Brown, UConn
- Walker Garrison, Valero
- James Goodrich, EPA
- Loraine Huchler, MarTech Systems
- Annette Johnston, Abbott
- Wendy Reed, Chemstations
- Ari Selvakumar, EPA
- Laura Watson, GE Power & Water
- Tracy Young, Dow