
May 13, 2014 EFS Meeting

Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 9:00am EDT
Event format: 
In-Person / Local
Posted by Derrick Wu
Washington, DC
United States

View Emily Therese Cloyd's presentation here.

The focus of the May 13, 2014 meeting of the Engineers Forum on Sustainability (EFS) was a discussion of the National Climate Assessment Report, which was released during the week of May 5.  Ms. Emily Therese Cloyd of the National Climate Assessment staff provided an overview - view her presentation by clicking the link above.  The vision of the National Climate Assessment is to enhance the ability of the United States to anticipate, mitigate, and adapt to changes in the global environment; and they are working to advance an inclusive, broad-based, and sustained process for assessing and communicating scientific knowledge of the impacts, risks, and vulnerabilities associated with a changing global climate in support of decision-making across the United States.  Additional information can be found at  Cloyd’s bio is found at here.


9:00-9:30AM Coffee and Networking
9:30-9:45AM Opening Remarks and Introductions
Subhas Sikdar, US EPA Office of Research and Development, EFS Chair
9:45-10:15AM Roundtable Update
Each association representative may present a short preview of their current sustainability projects
10:15-10:30AM Break
10:30-11:30AM Keynote Speaker
Emily Therese Cloyd, Public Participation and Engagement Coordinator, National Climate Assessment
11:30AM-12:30PM Discussion
How the engineering societies can respond to the National Climate Assessment and engage in its Sustained Assessment Process
12:00-12:15PM Plans for 2014 EFS Meetings

More information on the National Climate Assessment (NCA) here.