Bioremediation: Cleaning Up Oil Spills to Spilled Beer -- Sorry Brawny

. by Kent Harrington

Just when events in the Gulf seemed dire, almost Biblical, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, (an apt Old Testament pun) reported that oil from the BP spill was rapidly breaking down. Many scientists were skeptical-- it smelled like spin. The post-Exxon Valdez consensus was directly challenged.

Can We Teach Ourselves? Sugata Mitra and Minimally Invasive Education.

. by John Vasko

This is a question that Sugata Mitra, a professor and scientist set out to answer based on the premise that there are places on earth, in every country, where, for various reasons, good schools cannot be built and good teachers cannot or do not want to go.

This fascinating video shows highlights of the experiments conducted in India, South Africa, and Italy.

Powered by Sewage, UK VW Beetle (Bio-Bug) Now in the Limelight

. by Kent Harrington

The race to replace fossil fuel created a media superstar.

American corn-based Ethanol captured the public's imagination. Cue the financial red carpet! Agribusiness, Wall Street and the Media conjured an Iowan Ethanol-rabia, and corn was king. Until a commodity bubble in 2007 and 2008 helped cause the infamous Mexican tortilla riots.


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