2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
2025 AIChE Annual Meeting November 2-6, 2025 John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, Marriott Copley Place, Sheraton Back Bay | Boston, MA
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Alexander Smith Citation name Smith, A. Authored(464g) Deriving Line Tension and Dipole Density Values for Solid-Liquid Phase MonolayersJoseph ZasadzinskiZachary McAllisterCain Valtierrez-GaytanAlexander SmithBenjamin StottrupJoseph BarakatBjorn SolbergAidan Dosch2024 AIChE Annual Meeting (632e) Causal Discovery in Chemical Processes: Dealing with Cycles and Latent ConfoundersHarman DewantoroAlexander SmithProdromos Daoutidis2024 AIChE Annual Meeting (632f) Automated Characterization and Monitoring of Material Shape Using Riemannian GeometryAlexander SmithProdromos DaoutidisSteven Schilling2024 AIChE Annual Meeting (56g) A Computational Topology Framework for Molecular Dynamics Data: A Case Study in Soft GelsVictor M. ZavalaAlexander SmithEmanuela Del GadoGavin Donley2024 AIChE Annual Meeting (18h) Quantifying Hierarchical Causality in Active Matter SystemsAlexander SmithXiang ChengProdromos DaoutidisDipanjan Ghosh2024 AIChE Annual Meeting (455d) Inverse Design of Materials with Globally Optimal Topology and Geometry through Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)Alexander SmithDaniel Laky2024 AIChE Annual Meeting