Christopher S. Henry | AIChE

Christopher S. Henry

Citation name

Henry, C. S.


Argonne National Laboratory





Dr. Christopher Henry is a scientist in the Mathematics and Computer Science division of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago (UC). He obtained his PhD from Northwestern University working with Professors Broadbelt and Hatzimanikatis studying Biochemical Thermodynamics and E. coli metabolism. Currently, Dr. Henry is working on several projects within the field of Computational Biology including: (i) development of methods, data, and software for automated reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic models in coloration with researchers at Hope College, UC, ANL, and Fellowship for Interpretation of Genomes, (ii) design and implementation of a minimal strain of B. subtilis in collaboration with researchers at UC, ANL, and INRA in Paris France, and (iii) design and implementation of a large-scale simulation engine or cellular communities in collaboration with researchers at Yale University, University of Pittsburgh, UC, and ANL.


Associated proceedings 

2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
2017 Annual Meeting
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
5th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2018)