Durgesh Ranjan | AIChE

Durgesh Ranjan

Citation name

Ranjan, D.

Dr. Durgesh Ranjan earned his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Patna in 2019. His master’s research explored the characterizing the acoustic of pool boiling in aqueous surfactants solution and designing a feedback device to control the thermal runaway. After completing his Ph.D. from Syracuse University where he worked on applications of micro-nano scale structured surfaces in multiphase heat transfer, he joined Prof. Scheffe’s lab at the University of Florida as a Postdoctoral Associate in March 2023. His postdoctoral work is primarily focused on radiation modeling of high temperature reactors and experimentation on perovskites for thermochemical hydrogen production. He intends to pursue a career in academia.

Associated proceedings 

2024 AIChE Annual Meeting