Ganesh Mohan | AIChE

Ganesh Mohan

Citation name

Mohan, G.


Bechtel Corporation





Ganesh Mohan is a Senior Quantitative Risk Engineer at Chevron. He has over 18 years of industry experience in Process Safety & Risk Management with a varied background in Consulting, EPC & Operating firms. He has been providing technical leadership in Consequence Modeling & QRA. Ganesh received his Master of Science (MS) in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University (TAMU) and Bachelor of Technology (BTech) from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM). He is also a dual license holder of Professional Engineering (PE) in ME & FPE in the state of Texas. Ganesh has several peer reviewed publications in professional organizations as diverse as ASME, AICHE & IEEE. He is an IOGP task force member for RADD updates and an ASCE Task Force member on Performance Based Structural Fire Design for Petrochemical Facilities.

Associated proceedings 

2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety