Hussain Alabduljabbar | AIChE

Hussain Alabduljabbar

Citation name

Alabduljabbar, H.


Saudi Aramco


Saudi Arabia

Hussain has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Wisconsin , US and a Master of Science in Engineering Process Safety and Loss Prevention from the University of Sheffield, UK. He is working as a process safety engineer for the past ten years with demonstrated experience in oil and gas facilities at different process lifecycles including projects, pre-commissioning and in-service facilities. Hussain is also a certified process safety professional from CCPS and a certified functional safety engineer from TUV Rhineland. Currently, he is leading the process safety group at Loss Prevention in Saudi Aramco where he is responsible to oversee the company process safety performance, develop relevant policies and set the strategies to sustainably enhance process safety practices.

Associated proceedings 

2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety