Ignacio Grossmann | AIChE

Ignacio Grossmann

Citation name

Grossmann, I.


Carnegie Mellon University





Ignacio E. Grossmann (B.S. Universidad Iberoamericana; M.S., Ph.D. Imperial College) is the R. R. Dean University Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon, and director of the "Center for Advanced Process Decision-making." A member of the National Academy of Engineering, he has received many awards from AIChE and INFORMS, including the first Sargent Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers in 2015, and the distinction of being named “One of the Hundred Chemical Engineers of the Modern Era” by AIChE in 2008. He has honorary doctorates from Technical University of Dortmund, Abo Akademi, University of Maribor, University of Cantabria, Russian Kazan Technological University, University Nacional del Litoral, University of Alicante and Technical University of Aachen. His research interests are in mixed-integer, disjunctive and stochastic programming, energy systems, water networks, and planning and scheduling for enterprise-wide optimization. He has authored over 700 papers, and supervised 64 Ph.D. and 21 M.S. students.

Associated proceedings 

2024 AIChE Annual Meeting