Ilias Frydas | AIChE

Ilias Frydas

Citation name

Frydas, I.


Aristotle University


No State



Dr. Frydas Ilias is a molecular virologist who joined the EnvE Lab in January 2017. In November 2004 he started his studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he obtained a Diploma on Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology in November 2009. In summer 2009, he started working as an assistant researcher at the University Hospital of Thessaloniki (AHePa), studying various inflammatory pathways. In January 2011 he joined the Laboratory of Virology at the University of Ghent, in Belgium, where he started his PhD on PRRS virus. He worked at Celixir pharmaceutical company for six months as an assistant manager and an R&D researcher. In 2017, he got funding to perform his own research in developing adverse outcome pathways after exposure to ambient particles and evaluate the risk assessment in lung and liver cancer. Furthermore, he is involved as a postdoctoral researcher in different Horizon2020 projects.


Associated proceedings 

2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
2021 Annual Meeting
2022 Annual Meeting
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety