Jag Shur | AIChE

Jag Shur

Citation name

Shur, J.


University of Bath


United Kingdom

Dr Jag Shur is a Research Fellow at the University of Bath School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, where his conducting research investigating bioequivalence of dry powder and metered dose inhalers. He has BSc (Hons) in Pharmaceutical Sciences and completed his PhD entitled “Formulated Muco-Regulatory Agents in the Airways of Patients with Cystic Fibrosis” at Portsmouth School of Pharmacy. Following this, he was a post-doctoral fellow at London School of Pharmacy investigating the fabrication of microparticles for Vaccine delivery using supercritical fluid technology. Dr Shur recently performed post-doctoral work for Professor Robert Price at the University of Bath Investigating Particulate Interactions in dry powder inhalers and powder fluidization from active DPIs. He began his career with Profile Drug Delivery where he was developing liquid dose drug delivery systems for cystic fibrosis patients and went on to work for GlaxoSmithKline.

Associated proceedings 

2011 Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting