Jennifer Wen | AIChE

Jennifer Wen

Citation name

Wen, J.


University of Warwick


United Kingdom

Following a PhD from the University of London in 1988, Jennifer Wen spent 5 years in industry firstly with CD-ADAPCO (vendor of STAR-CCM) and then British Gas before returning to academia in 1998 at Kingston University London, where she established the Centre for Fire and Explosion Studies and led it till 2013. Jennifer moved to the University of Warwick on 1 May 2013 as Professor of Engineering and established WARWICK FIRE, a multidisciplinary research laboratory for both fundamental and applied research related to fire and explosions as well as accidental releases of hazardous materials. As Principal Investigator or Coordinator, Jennifer has secured over $3M funding to support a wide range of research activities at Warwick FIRE.


Safety Considerations in Cryogenic Liquid Hydrogen Bunkering2023 Center for Hydrogen Safety Europe Conference

Associated proceedings 

2023 Center for Hydrogen Safety Europe Conference