Julie D. White | AIChE

Julie D. White

Citation name

White, J. D.

Julie D. White, P.E., CFSP, is President and Principal of JD White Engineering, LLC, a Loss Prevention and Risk Management firm. Julie has 25+ years of experience in operations, process technology and process safety management in the petrochemical, polyolefins, and offshore sectors. Ms. White has expertise in developing process safety and risk management practices, design safety for major capital projects, optimizing operator alarms and interlocks, pressure relief systems, process safety audit, safeguard verification, and private and federal sector incident investigations. Ms. White’s plant optimization and process safety work has resulted in 50MM$ in savings and advanced revenues. Ms. White has been sharing process safety skills in specific technologies since 2005 and broadened to API standards, CCPS best practices and academic groups starting in 2007 and 2010. She has been a presenter at industry symposia such as the AIChE Global Congress on Process Safety, Texas Chemical Council Environmental, Health and Safety Seminar, and ISA Process Control and Safety Symposium.

Sessions chaired or co-chaired

Yoda Panel2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings

Associated proceedings 

2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings