Leticia de Souza Zarpellon
de Souza Zarpellon, L.
Air Liquide
Leticia Zarpellon is currently Air Liquide's Advanced Process Controls (APC) project manager and local senior expert in smart manufacturing. She holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil, where she was the President of the first Brazilian AIChE student chapter. She is a Texas EIT and is now pursuing her Professional Engineer certification. She has worked with Air Liquide Brazil for almost 5 years as a trainee and Air Separation Unit (ASU) process engineer. Since October 2017, she has worked with Air Liquide US being responsible for the APC replacement for all ASU and Hydrogen units in the country. Her professional interests include DCS logic development, process controls, efficiency projects and plant automation.