Louis Allen | AIChE

Louis Allen

Citation name

Allen, L.


University Of Sheffield


United Kingdom

Louis completed his Masters degree in Chemical Engineering in 2021 at the University of Sheffield, completing with First Class honours and was awarded the British Coke Research Association Prize. He has since started a role as a PhD researcher in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, supervised by Professor Joan Cordiner and Dr Peyman Moghadam. Louis' research focuses on the application of data-driven modelling in manufacturing environments, with a particular interest in ahead-of-time prediction using machine learning. Applications of this type of work include physical property prediction and predictive maintenance. With a background in big data visualisation and web-based analytics (see here), a key factor of Louis' work is the integration of novel predictive methodologies with existing manufacturing infrastructure to provide real and tangible benefits across a breadth of industries.

Associated proceedings 

2022 Annual Meeting
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
2023 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data