Mohaned Faisal | AIChE

Mohaned Faisal

Citation name

Faisal, M.

Mohaned is a Loss Prevention Engineer with 9 years of work experience in Saudi Aramco under the Loss Prevention Technical Services Department. Mohaned worked as a process safety engineer across different life cycle stages of hydrocarbon facilities. Currently Mohaned is leading the Human Factors Group in Saudi Aramco Mohaned has a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Aberdeen, a Bachelor degree in Safety Engineering from the University of Central Lancashire and a Master’s degree in Safety Engineering from Texas A&M University. Mohaned is a Chartered Energy Engineer (CEng) registered with the Energy Institute, he is also a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), and a Certified Process Safety Professional (CCPSC).

Associated proceedings 

2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety