Nicholas Sinclair | AIChE

Nicholas Sinclair

Citation name

Sinclair, N.


Case Western Reserve University





Nick Sinclair is a staff scientist and adjunct instructor at Case Western Reserve University. He received his PhD from Case in chemical engineering while working to develop advanced energy storage systems based redox organics in deep eutectic solvent electrolytes. He has spent the last decade as CWRU staff engineer researching electrochemical technologies from bench-top proof-of-concept to scaled-up systems leading to successful tech-transfer to an industrial licensee of a DOE ARPA-E sponsored energy storage concept utilizing Fe electrochemistry. He has experience with electrolysis cell design and scale-up, as well as manufacturing for a variety of industrial applications. Most recently, he has been involved in the development of a molten salt electrolysis process for the sustainable production of rare-earth metals.

Associated proceedings 

2024 AIChE Annual Meeting