Revonda Tew | AIChE

Revonda Tew

Citation name

Tew, R.


Process Improvement Institute, Inc.






(49a) Best Practices for Writing Operating Procedures and Trouble-Shooting Guides
2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1098-4)
(54x) Best Practices for PHA Revalidation2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
(54f) Best Practices for PHA Revalidation
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1109-7)
(160b) PSM Issues from Non-Operational Departments2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety

Associated proceedings 

2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
2017 Middle East Process Safety Conference
2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety