Richard N Knowles, Ph.D. | AIChE

Richard N Knowles, Ph.D.

Citation name

Knowles, Ph.D., R. N.


Richard N Knowles and Associates, Inc.





Biographical Summary: Richard N Knowles has worked with safety for over 50 years in various management and leadership positions. He was in three plant management assignments in DuPont, retiring after a career of 36 years. He has consulted widely in industries in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and the UK for the last 16 years helping companies to quit hurting and killing their people and to make more money at the same time. and He is the author of two books on safety and leadership. The Leadership Dance, Pathways to Extraordinary Organizational Effectiveness (2002) and Partnering for Safety and Business Excellence (2012). He was awarded the EPA Region III Chemical Emergency Planning and Preparedness Partnership Award in 1995 for his role in helping to lead the sharing of worst case scenarios in the Kanawha Valley, WV.

Associated proceedings 

2013 Spring Meeting & 9th Global Congress on Process Safety
2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS