2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
2025 AIChE Annual Meeting November 2-6, 2025 John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, Marriott Copley Place, Sheraton Back Bay | Boston, MA
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Robert Büchel Citation name Büchel, R. Affiliation ETH Zurich Country Switzerland Authored(547e) Potassium in Flame Made Pt/K/Al2O3 NOx Storage-Reduction CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2009 Annual Meeting (610e) Preferential Deposition of Noble Metals Pt and Pd in K/Al2O3 NOx Storage-Reduction CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2009 Annual Meeting (318a) Two-Nozzle Flame Synthesis of NOx Storage Reduction CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2009 Annual Meeting (487j) The Importance of Pt Dispersion in DeNOx CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2009 Annual Meeting (69d) Sulfur Poisoning of NOx Storage Reduction Catalysts: Influence the Noble Metal Position of Mono- and Bimetallic Rh and PtRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2011 Annual Meeting (136h) The Importance of Pt Dispersion In DeNOx CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2011 Annual Meeting (629ar) Two-Nozzle Flame Synthesis of NOx Storage Reduction CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2011 Annual Meeting (111a) Keynote Speaker Abstract: Twin Flame Spray Pyrolysis Production of Pt/K/Al2O3 NOx Storage-Reduction CatalystsRobert BüchelSotiris E. PratsinisAlfons Baiker2011 Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2009 Annual Meeting 2011 Annual Meeting