Stephanie Lam
Lam, S.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Stephanie Lam is an Investigator in the Material Science Department at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Pharma R&D in Collegeville, PA. Her role involves understanding the structure-function relationship between input materials and drug product properties in support of pharmaceutical and biomedical formulations and products. Prior to joining GSK, Stephanie was a post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the Polymers and Complex Fluids Group. There, her work focused on interrogating the surface of surfactant-coated carbon nanotubes using analytical ultracentrifugation. She holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from NC State University and has been active with AIChE, chairing sessions in Area 1C "Interfacial Phenomena", as well as other topical conferences such as ACS Colloids and Society of Rheology (SOR).