Tae Seok Moon | AIChE

Tae Seok Moon

Citation name

Moon, T. S.


Washington University in St Louis





Tae Seok Moon has 25 years of research experience in chemistry, metabolic engineering, systems biology, and synthetic biology, including 5.5 years of industry experience. His research focus (2012-2022 with 21 external grants; $10.3M external funding to Moon; $35.1M to the entire team) is understanding gene regulation, evolution, and metabolism and building RNA regulators, biosensors, and genetic circuits. His current projects include 12 funded projects from 10 government or non-government funding agencies. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers, has filed 10 patents, has given over 110 invited and over 140 contributed presentations (as of Sep. 2022). He is the Founding Chair and organizer of SynBYSS (Synthetic Biology Young Speaker Series), a weekly multi-year seminar series, in which a global thought leader, a synthetic biology pioneer, and a young rising star discuss synthetic biology, systems biology, and metabolic engineering with more than 1000 global audiences.


Associated proceedings 

2007 Annual Meeting
2008 Annual Meeting
2009 Annual Meeting
2010 Annual Meeting
2022 Annual Meeting
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
6th International Conference on Microbiome Engineering
2024 AIChE Annual Meeting