Tae Seok Moon | AIChE

Tae Seok Moon

Citation name

Moon, T. S.


Washington University in St. Louis





I am an EBRC (Engineering Biology Research Consortium) council member and a SynBYSS (Synthetic Biology Young Speaker Series) chair. I have expertise in systems and synthetic biology. I aim to solve global agricultural, environmental, manufacturing, and health problems through engineering biology. My research projects have been supported by Gates Foundation, AIChE, and 12 different US agencies (25 grants), and I have secured >$10M (>$37M for the entire teams since 7/1/2012). These projects and my prior efforts have resulted in 84 publications (73 as the PI), 157 invited talks, 165 contributed conference presentations, and 10 patents. My achievements have also been recognized with many awards, including a Langer Prize for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence, a B&B Daniel I.C. Wang Award, an NSF CAREER award, an ONR Young Investigator Award, a John C. Sluder Fellowship (MIT), an ILJU Foundation Award, an LG Chemical Fellowship, and the SNU President Prize. I have been organizing many international conferences as a conference co-chair or organizer. I have also served as a reviewer, EIC, editor for 8 journals, or editorial member for >50 journals, including Nature/Science/Cell journals and PNAS. Notably, my global leadership efforts include 1) my role as an EBRC Council Member to provide the vision to address national and global needs through synthetic biology and 2) my service to SynBYSS as the Chair to provide a weekly, virtual, and multi-year forum where a global thought leader gives an opening 5 min talk, followed by a 45 min, rising star’s talk, for >1,000 global audiences.

Sessions chaired or co-chaired

Gene Regulation Engineering
2017 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1102-8)
Systems and Synthetic Biology of Interacting Microorganisms
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1110-3)


Associated proceedings 

2014 AIChE Annual Meeting
2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
2017 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED)
2017 Annual Meeting
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
2021 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED)
4th International Conference on CRISPR Technologies
4th International Conference on Microbiome Engineering (ICME)
2021 Annual Meeting
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting