Tedd Lister | AIChE

Tedd Lister

Citation name

Lister, T.


Idaho National Laboratory





Dr. Tedd E. Lister is an R&D scientist at the INL specializing in electrochemistry and corrosion science with 16 years of post-graduate experience at Utah State University, Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago) and Idaho National Laboratory. He has been involved in many diverse research areas including aqueous and high temperature corrosion, electrocatalysis, surface analysis, energy storage, electrosynthesis and electrodeposition. He has over 45 peer-reviewed publications in these areas as well as several patents and patents pending.

Associated proceedings 

2012 AIChE Annual Meeting
2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
2017 Annual Meeting
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting