Vasiliki Tsikourkitoudi
Tsikourkitoudi, V.
Karolinska Institutet
Dr. Vasiliki Tsikourkitoudi is a Chemical Engineer graduated from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, with a MSc in Materials Science and Technology from the same university. She has performed an industrial PhD working as a Process Engineer in Spain under a Marie Curie ITN EC project. In 2016, she received her PhD from Kingston University of London in the field of Nanotechnology with her thesis entitled “Development of Advanced Nanomaterials for Lithium-ion Batteries”. After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Ioannina in Greece working on nano-heterostructures for catalytic applications, she joined Prof. Sotiriou’s group at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, in 2019. She is currently working on flame-made nanocarriers for delivery of biological drugs aiming at high drug loading values.