Wenning Dai | AIChE

Wenning Dai

Citation name

Dai, W.







Wenning Dai is a Particle Scientist / Engineer at GlaxoSmithKline. She joined GSK in 2000 after completing an M.S. in Organic Chemistry in Nanjing University. Since joining GSK, Wenning had worked on numerous efforts supporting drug development. These efforts had largely involved synthesis but a few years ago she recognized that API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) particle forming step was where she wanted to specialize. Wenning has developed an aptitude for developing scalable final stages which deliver APIs with desired physical and chemical properties. These endeavors prompted Wenning to take another M.S. in Chemical Engineering at Villanova University and she successfully completed in 2009. Wenning’s interests are in continuous crystallization, polymorphism and crystal habit prediction, particle engineering techniques, and particle size reduction.

Associated proceedings 

2013 AIChE Annual Meeting