
In this installment of the Meet the RAPID® Interns spotlight series, we are highlighting an intern from the Spring 2022 program. Scroll down to learn more about Tom McKean, a Ph.D. candidate at University of Arkansas.

Thomas McKean

Thomas McKean, a 1st year Ph.D student at University of Arkansas, is working on a research project "Ligand-Modified Membranes for the Development of a Modular Home-Scale Filtration System" in Professor Ranil Wickramasinghe's lab. Tom's work involves identifying membrane materials and modifications for the removal of different drinking water contaminants. After performing the surface modifications to the filtration membrane, tests are performed to evaluate its ability to reject contaminants and resist fouling. 


What are your career aspirations?

I hope to aid the transfer of emerging material advances from academia to industry to modernize sustainable replacements for outdated filtration products and processes. 

What are your thoughts of the RAPID Intern Program so far?

The RAPID program offers a fantastic introduction to the field of process intensification and its future direction, preparing upcoming scientists and engineers with the forward-thinking mindset necessary to create outstanding solutions for complex problems. It is a tremendous resource for students preparing to enter their careers in both the technical aspect of different available careers and the non-technical areas necessary to earn a position and be a quality team member.  

*The RAPID Intern Program is an exciting opportunity for students working with RAPID members. It is a virtual PI leadership program which overlays on the work students are already doing at RAPID member organizations and provides students with PI leadership training and professional development skill-building opportunities like networking, career discovery, and public speaking/presenting. Click here for more information and to nominate a student.