RAPID Manufacturing Institute Announces First Call for Pre-proposals
The RAPID Manufacturing Institute is announcing the first step in a call for research and development program proposals in the areas of process intensification and modular chemical processing that will advance the following institutional goals:
- Demonstrate energy efficiency in process intensification technology
- Demonstrate energy productivity improvement through process intensification technology
- Demonstrate intensification in Individual chemical process modules
- Demonstrate approaches to cost-effective manufacturing of process intensified modules
- Demonstrate potential for cost-effective deployment of modular chemical process intensification
The focus of the RAPID Institute is to advance early stage concepts that have been demonstrated at lab scale (TRL 3) to a higher level of pre-commercial development (up to TRL7). Successful projects will include industry and academic collaboration as well as an application that is related to RAPID’s key technical focus areas (chemical and commodity processing, renewable bioproducts, natural gas upgrading, modeling and simulation, process intensification fundamentals, or modular manufacturing). DOE sponsored cost-sharing for projects is available.
RAPID pre-proposal submissions are due by June 30, 2017.