A MagDot-Nanoconveyor Assay Detects and Isolates Molecular Biomarkers | AIChE

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A MagDot-Nanoconveyor Assay Detects and Isolates Molecular Biomarkers

SBE Special Section

The ability to quickly analyze, separate, and manipulate multiple types of biomarkers from small sample volumes is a significant step toward personalized medicine.

Biomarkers are small molecules that can be objectively measured as an indicator of normal biological processes, disease conditions, or responses to drug treatment. Biomarkers may consist of proteins, small molecules, deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs), or various ribonucleic acids (RNAs), such as messenger RNAs (mRNAs), micro RNAs (miRs), or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and the cells that manufacture them. Biomarkers can be used to identify the natural disease process (prognostic biomarkers), and may also indicate the potential clinical benefit of a specific treatment (predictive biomarkers).


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