2013 AIChE Salary Survey | AIChE

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2013 AIChE Salary Survey

Chemical engineering salaries have increased over the past two years, reflecting an improved economy and job market for engineers. The median salary of survey respondents is $120,000 — a 9% increase over the median reported in 2011.

The results of AIChE’s biennial salary survey are encouraging for chemical engineers — salaries have increased, unemployment is down, and almost all full-time salaried engineers receive retirement benefits. The median annual salary of survey respondents increased by about 9% over the median reported in 2011, to $120,000.

Median salaries ranged from $67,000 for chemical engineers with fewer than six years of experience to about $140,000 for those with more than 30 years in the workforce. In addition to years of work experience, numerous other factors — including age, gender, education, job function, and industry — were also examined for their impact on chemical engineers’ paychecks. (This is the first time that AIChE accounted for time taken off for family reasons in its salary survey.)

The variables having the largest impact on salaries are years of work experience, time with current employer, and time taken off for family reasons. The other factors contribute to salaries, but to a lesser degree.

This expanded version of the article that appeared in print in the June 2013 issue of CEP includes additional information, tables, charts and more detail. 

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