CEP: AIChE Journal Highlight - Chemical Looping Comes of Age | AIChE

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CEP: AIChE Journal Highlight - Chemical Looping Comes of Age

Increasing efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions and a changing portfolio of energy sources as a result of shale gas production are driving the development of new process technologies for the production of energy and chemicals. One such technology is chemical looping, which utilizes intermediates in chemical reactions to produce a combination of heat, electricity, and chemicals. This technology is amenable to a range of fuel feedstocks and produces a high-purity stream of carbon dioxide that is inherently easy to separate. With extensive pilot-plant testing worldwide and the engagement of an international community of industrial and academic researchers, commercialization of chemical looping processes is expected to occur in the near future, says Liang-Shih Fan of The Ohio State Univ. (OSU) in the January AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Chemical-Looping Technology Platform.”


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