CEP: AIChE Journal Highlight - Bridging the Scale Gap to Model Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions | AIChE

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CEP: AIChE Journal Highlight - Bridging the Scale Gap to Model Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Journal Highlight

To fully harness the advantages of heterogeneous catalysis, heat and mass transfer must be optimized with respect to catalytic reaction rates. While reactions take place at the molecular length scale, industrial reactors can have dimensions as large as several meters, making reactor and catalyst design a difficult task. In the July AIChE Journal cover story, “Gas-Solid Catalytic Reactions with an Extended DSMC Model,” Georg R. Pesch, Norbert Riefler, Udo Fritsching, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, and Lutz Mädler of the Univ. of Bremen, Germany, introduce a new modeling approach to efficiently tackle this challenge.


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