AIChE Journal Highlight: Creating Sustainable Water Treatment Systems | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Creating Sustainable Water Treatment Systems

One of the grand challenges to sustain modern society is to secure adequate water resources of appropriate quality for various uses. The social, economic, and environmental impacts of past water resources development projects and the likely prospects of future water scarcity are driving a shift in how water resources are managed. Future water resource management will increasingly rely on technologies that incorporate the principles of sustainability. Inmaculada Ortiz Uribe of the Universidad de Cantabria in Spain, et al., discuss such approaches in the October AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Advanced Technologies for Water Treatment and Reuse.”

The authors discuss the use of membranes, both in the treatment of wastewater and in providing high-quality water for different uses; the development of new biological processes in the treatment of wastewater to allow self-sufficient running of wastewater treatment plants or the recovery of value-added products; and the increasing use of advanced oxidation processes to efficiently oxidize recalcitrant and harmful constituen

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