Spotlight On Safety: The Beacon: A Free Tool that Saves Lives | AIChE

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Spotlight On Safety: The Beacon: A Free Tool that Saves Lives

If a free tool that improves process safety and saves lives were available, would you use it? The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) has been providing such a tool for the past 15 years. The Process Safety Beacon is a one-page monthly message for manufacturing personnel that provides information about a process incident and lessons learned, as well as guidance on how to avoid a similar incident. It has focused on fires and explosions, toxic gas releases, interlock bypassing, hose hazards, abandoned equipment, hot work, labeling, pressure relief, house-keeping, confined-space entry, thermal stress and embrittlement, reactive chemistry, construction hazards, static discharge, nitrogen asphyxiation, and more. A ten-minute monthly commitment to reading the Beacon can significantly affect the operations and maintenance at your plant, improving safety and saving lives.

The Beacon is available in more than 25 languages, enabling readers to share its lessons with colleagues around the world. It can be used as a tool to frame discussions about process safety, and help you and your colleagues understand past hazards and identify similar issues at your plant. The 180 issues of the Beacon that have been released to...

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