Roy Jackson, a pioneer in the fields of process optimization and control, chemical reaction engineering, and the mechanics of granular materials and fluidized beds, has earned a reputation as one of the world’s leading thinkers in the field of chemical engineering. Very few scholars have been able to address as wide a range of subjects and to produce a body of work of such consistently excellent quality as Jackson, according to Sankaran Sundaresan, Martin Feinberg, Kesava Rao, and Prabhu Nott in their December 2017 AIChE Journal tribute article.
This retrospective, the lead article in AIChE Journal’s special December 2017 Tribute to Founders issue, celebrates Jackson’s influential 37-yr-long career as a chemical engineer. The article traces Jackson’s life journey, outlines his major research contributions and their impacts, and highlights firsthand recollections of Jackson from former students and colleagues. It also includes several papers coauthored by Jackson’s colleagues, friends, and members of his academic tree.
Of Jackson’s...
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