AIChE Journal Highlight: Creating Computational Models for Biopharmaceutical Production | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Creating Computational Models for Biopharmaceutical Production

Journal Highlight

Generating revenue of $163 billion, the biopharmaceutical industry accounts for 20% of the global pharmaceutical market. And, annual revenue growth for biopharmaceuticals is 8%, double that of conventional pharmaceutical products. Within a biopharmaceutical production process, organisms are the unit operation for manufacturing the product of interest. Mammalian cells have unique advantages over microbial- and yeast-based systems in that the cells possess the necessary cellular machinery to manufacture and secrete large proteins with the necessary post-translational modifications. Thus, mammalian cell cultures are the favored organism for producing biopharmaceuticals.

With growing demand for therapeutic proteins from mammalian cells and increasing focus from regulatory bodies, the biopharmaceutical industry is faced with challenges of ensuring affordability, delivery, and consistent quality of products from mammalian cells. In the February AIChE Journal article, “Review of the Important Challenges and Opportunities Related to Modeling of Mammalian Cell Bioreactors,” Parham Farzon, Biren Mistry, and Marianthi Ierapetritou of Rutgers Univ. summarize the approaches for modeling physical and biological phenomena inside a bioreactor to help manufacturers address those challenges.

Biopharmaceutical production efficiency and capacity have...

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