Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment, 3rd Ed.
Maan H. Jawad and James R. Farr, Wiley-AIChE, Hoboken, NJ, $120.99, 480 pages, June 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-31152-2

Process equipment, such as storage tanks, pressure vessels, and heat exchangers, often must operate under extreme pressures and temperatures. Designing and manufacturing this equipment to meet exacting standards is critical to ensure safe operation. This guide covers the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and API codes and standards necessary for design of process equipment.
This new edition reflects current practices and includes the latest ASME codes and API standards. Chemical, structural, and mechanical engineers will benefit from expert guidance on the analysis and design of storage tanks, pressure vessels, boilers, heat exchangers, and related process equipment, as well as the associated external and internal components. The book also covers methods of designing components not covered by API or ASME. The guide relates ASME codes to international standards for engineers working outside the U.S.
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