As the climate continues to warm, all sectors of industry will be challenged to reduce CO2 emissions. Petrochemicals will not be immune from this pressure — the production of bulk chemicals in the U.S. alone consumes 7.3 exajoules (EJ) of energy (7.1% of total U.S. energy demand) and is responsible for emitting 280 million metric tons (m.t.) of CO2 annually (5.3% of the U.S. total.)
Various approaches have been proposed to mitigate CO2 emissions from the production of petrochemicals. One of the most frequently discussed is CO2 utilization, in which CO2 is used as a feedstock for making fuels and chemicals. Significant resources have been directed to developing product pathways in which CO2 serves as a raw material instead of being emitted to the atmosphere and contributing to global warming.
In the September AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Thermodynamic Considerations in CO2 Utilization,” Scott Stevenson (SABIC) considers the potential of CO2 utilization in the production of fuels and...
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