2019 AIChE Annual Meeting • Orlando, FL • Nov. 10–15
Nearly 6,000 chemical engineering professionals from 57 countries convened at the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 10–15, in Orlando, FL — where they surveyed the breadth of chemical engineering innovation and contemplated the transformative impact of that innovation on society. The Annual Meeting continued its recent emphasis on topics in next-generation and resource-efficient manufacturing, and expanded its coverage of food innovation, entrepreneurship, and data science applications in chemical engineering. The diversity of the chemical engineering enterprise was evident in the meeting’s 781 sessions, which also covered developments in biomedicine, sustainable engineering, energy, microbes, fuels and petrochemicals, materials science, particle technology, separations, nanotechnology, sensors, and more. Among the special sessions were events celebrating the 50-year history of ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research and a town hall on chemical engineering in the 21st century co-organized with the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. The meeting also featured the debut of two new AIChE lectureships (see p. 51). Poster sessions delivered nearly 800 research presentations...
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