A Look at Vortex Flowmeters | AIChE

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A Look at Vortex Flowmeters

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Out with the old and in with the new — vortex flowmeters have become a popular alternative to differential pressure flowmeters across the chemical process industries.

Chemical, petrochemical, and refining companies compete in a market characterized by increasingly strict environmental regulations, shifting product demand, and tightening margins. Regulations and changes in demand have driven a wave of capital investments across the chemical process industries (CPI), including projects to increase the capacity of hydroprocessing operations, build and integrate greenfield petrochemical plants into existing refineries, and upgrade safety instrumented systems (SIS) at chemical plants. As CPI facilities have made these capital investments, they have also shifted preferences for technologies to reduce costs.

Flowmeter technology has been one driver of those shifts. This article describes the rise of vortex flowmeters in the CPI and explains how this technology can outperform other types of flowmeters to save money, increase reliability and availability, and improve safety.

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