Profile: Breaking Down the Blood-Brain Barrier | AIChE

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Profile: Breaking Down the Blood-Brain Barrier


Sydney Floryanzia is an emerging chemical engineer working on critical issues such as developing drug delivery methods to cross the blood-brain barrier, a significant challenge for today’s healthcare industry.

At 22, she has appeared in several commercials, guest starred on the weekly podcast, Her STEM Story, and even delivered a TEDxTeen Talk. Aside from being a passionate science communicator, Floryanzia is also pursuing a PhD in chemical engineering at the Univ. of Washington.

How does she keep so motivated and energetic? By taking time to enjoy her childhood passion for music, Floryanzia says. She has played piano and guitar since she was a child, and today her musical tastes range from classical tunes to hits by Megan Thee Stallion and Beyonce.

“Music is still an incredibly important part of my life,” Floryanzia says. “As a black woman in STEM, it can be difficult at times, and having music that really pumps me up helps. It introduces the frame of mind that I can achieve my goals and conquer my problems. I started dancing in the morning during the pandemic, and I found that it really affects your...

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