
“Susmita and I encourage our peers to learn more about including the Foundation in their estate planning.”
—Syamal Poddar, AIChE Fellow
“Your contribution to the Doing a World of Good campaign will advance our efforts for years to come.”
Dear Friends
For more than a century, chemical engineers have improved the well-being of our global society. From developing smaller, faster computer chips to creating innovative solutions for recycling, disease treatment, water purification, and energy generation, these achievements have enriched all of our lives.
At the AIChE Foundation, we recognize the essential role that philanthropy plays in fostering these accomplishments. Your contribution to the Doing a World of Good campaign will advance our efforts for years to come.
In 2022, we experienced a substantial increase in fundraising, raising more than $13 million, thanks to your generous donations. This enabled us to expand our impact and reach. We are truly grateful for your support.
This past year, we launched Be a ChemE, a national campaign aimed at introducing K-12 students, their parents, teachers, and the public to the wonders and possibilities of a career in chemical engineering.
We’ve deployed K-12 STEM Ambassadors in elementary and middle schools to conduct science experiments and bring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education to traditionally underserved populations.
We’re opening doors of opportunity through programs such as the Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI) and the Minority Affairs Community’s (MAC) Scholarship Awards.
We’re also supporting early-career researchers by providing unrestricted grants through the Langer Prize for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence.
We invite you to discover the transformative power of your contribution by exploring the stories in this report. Since the campaign’s inception in 2015, we have raised $48 million. My fellow Trustees and I express our sincere gratitude to all our individual and corporate supporters. Together, we’re inspiring extraordinary.
All my best,
Bruce E. Chinn
Chair, AIChE Foundation Board of Trustees;
AIChE Fellow;
President & CEO, Chevron Phillips Chemical
Extraordinary Impact
The Doing a World of Good campaign funds five priorities that are transforming the profession and the world around us.

The Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI) at Howard University
On January 18th, the FOSSI team made its first on-campus visit to Howard University. Forty-two FOSSI Scholars attending Howard came together for lunch and a networking session with sponsoring companies.
“FOSSI opened my eyes to so many careers available to STEM majors,” said Cheyene Henry, Class of 2021 FOSSI Scholar, Howard University. “The program demonstrated the wide-ranging appeal of STEM across a variety of industries.”
In addition to the scholars, representatives from fifteen FOSSI partner companies joined the event from all over the U.S. and Canada.
During lunch, guests heard remarks from Dr. Kimberly Wise White, Vice President of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs at the American Chemistry Council. Dr. White spoke about her experience as a triple HBCU graduate of Texas Southern University and how excited she is to work with the FOSSI program. “I have loved science for as long as I can remember. I am so inspired by the immense talent and diversity of the FOSSI scholars and the dedication of the chemical industry in supporting the next generation of STEM leaders.”

Introducing Be a ChemE
AIChE, in partnership with industry, academia, and other organizations, is launching a public campaign to inspire, attract, and develop the next generation of STEM talent. The Be a ChemE campaign, unveiled at the 2022 AIChE Gala in New York City, introduces middle school students, parents, teachers, and the public to exciting career possibilities in chemical engineering.

▲ Artist’s mockup of the Be a ChemE bus, providing hands-on experiments and activities to inspire middle school students, parents, teachers, and the public about pursuing a career in chemical engineering.
The campaign will showcase the diverse opportunities available in chemical engineering fields through a new website, classroom lessons, a bus tour, a national competition, and an integrated marketing campaign, with the goal of creating a more inclusive and vibrant community.
ChemE Comics for K-12
To help K-12 students better understand the importance of chemical engineering in their daily lives, the AIChE Foundation funded the creation of five comics demonstrating how chemical engineering is utilized in everyday items and applications. The comics were made available to students at the AIChE K-12 STEM Showcase during the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, and are also available for download on the AIChE website.

Rising Star for All
In 2017, AIChE launched the successful Rising Star for Women program. In response to the need for more support for chemical engineers regardless of gender, AIChE created and launched the Rising Star for All program in 2022. In the first year, almost seventy participants joined one of two virtual meetings.
“Building support for the needs of talent strengthens the industry for the future,” said Michelle Caveness, AIChE Foundation Trustee and Vice President, TN Operations Site Leader and Global Operations Support at Eastman.
AIChE K-12 STEM Ambassadors Inspiring the Next Generation
The Edison Intermediate/Larry Larson Middle School in Columbus, OH, was the pilot site for the AIChE K-12 STEM Ambassador Program. This innovative initiative was designed to inspire young learners and introduce them to the world of STEM.
The K-12 STEM Ambassador Program represents a significant step toward bridging the gap in STEM education for underserved communities and fostering a new generation of STEM enthusiasts.

▲ Tae Seok Moon, 2022 Langer Fellow, presents a talk at the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.

Shooting for the Moon
Tae Seok Moon, a Council Member of the Engineering Biology Research Consortium, received the 2022 Langer Prize Fellowship at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.
The Langer Prize awards an unrestricted grant of up to $100,000 to enable creative researchers and engineering entrepreneurs in their early careers to pursue potentially game-changing innovations with transformative societal impact.
Dr. Moon recently spoke with us about his new company, Moonshot Bio, and its work on developing technology to turn plastic waste into beta-carotene. “Since China and India have banned importing plastic waste, there is no way in the U.S. to treat plastic bottles but to export them, recycle them, put them in a landfill, or burn them, which causes climate problems,” said Moon. “I hope to contribute to the community by helping to solve the plastic problem.”

On the Safe Side
Dow hosted its seventh AIChE Faculty Workshop — and the first process safety workshop located in Europe. Held over three days at Dow’s manufacturing facility in Tarragona, Spain, the workshop attracted 27 attendees from 18 universities and 8 countries.

▲ Ignasi Cañagueral, Site Director at Dow, welcomes attendees to the 2022 Dow/AIChE Faculty Workshop in Tarragona, Spain.
AIChE Faculty Workshops were also held in 2022 by BASF in Wyandotte, MI, and Chemours in Corpus Christi, TX. In addition, Chevron conducted a workshop online.
“These faculty workshops are a must for anyone who doesn’t have industry experience,” said Jessica Winter, a professor at The Ohio State University.
Extraordinary Giving
“By working together as a donor community, we can make an extraordinary contribution to the profession and the world.”
Ann Lee & Bill Adams
Campaign Patrons
Corporate Honor Roll
Founders’ Circle
Changemaker (More than $5,000,000)
Visionaries ($2,000,000-$4,999,999)
Benefactors ($750,000-$1,999,999)
Underwriters ($500,000-$749,999)
Patrons ($250,000-$499,999)
Major Contributors
Partners ($100,000-$249,999)
Air Liquide
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
American Chemistry Council
Ascend Performance Materials
Avient Corporation
Fluor Corporation
FMC Corporation
Kraton Corporation
Linde Group
Mitsui & Co.
Olin Co.
Shepherd Material Science Co.
Stepan Company
Thermo Fisher Scientific
WACKER Chemical Corp.
Supporters ($50,000-$99,999)
AC&S Incorporated
Arsenal Capital Partners
Bank of America
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff
Bouchard Transportation Co. Inc.
Corteva Agriscience
Intercontinental Terminal Co. LLC
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
J.P. Morgan Chase
McKinsey & Co.
NOVA Chemicals
Novus International, Inc.
Paul Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Quaker Houghton
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Society of Chemical Industry
Texas Brine Company, LLC
The Procter & Gamble Company
Veolia North America
Corporate Honor Roll as of April 30, 2023
Individual Honor Roll
Campaign Champions
Benefactors ($100,000 and up)
Anonymous (2)
Collins Foundation
David R. & Karen Eckhardt
Farokhzad Family Charitable Fund
Floyd Newburn Foundation
Scott D. & Karen L. Love
Syamal K. & Susmita Poddar
Eric S. Reiner
Darlene S. Schuster
Otis A. & Phyllis Shelton
June C. Wispelwey & Mark B. Bradley
Underwriters ($50,000-$99,999)
Arindam & Gopa Bose
Katherine L. & John C.* Chen
Dan & Ellen Coombs
Eduardo D. Glandt
Deborah L. Grubbe
Raj & Kamla Gupta UJALA Family Foundation
Dale L. & Von Keairns
Peter B.* & Susan Lederman
Gerald A. Lessells
Norman N. & Jane Li
William R. Parrish
James B. Porter, Jr.
Freeman E. Self, Jr.
Gregory N. Stephanopoulos & Maria* Flytzani-Stephanopoulos
Alfred E. Wechsler*
Vern W. Weekman, Jr.
David Yankovitz
Patrons ($25,000-$49,999)
Andreas & Juana Acrivos
Billy B. Bardin & Linh D. Le
Joan F. Brennecke & Mark A. Stadtherr
Chau-Chyun Chen
Bruce & Sandra Chinn
Pablo G. Debenedetti & Silvia I. Strauss-Debenedetti
Thomas F. Edgar
Karen A. Fletcher
H. Scott* & Janet Fogler
Chris Jahn
Kane Family Fund
Ann L. Lee & Bill Adams
Mark & Becky Levin
Henri J. Maget
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Joe B. Powell
Anne Roby & Lawrence Dodd
John Y. Televantos
Levi T. & Maria Thompson
James A. Trainham
Phillip R. Westmoreland & Kathleen J. Beach
S. Shariq Yosufzai & Brian James
Major Contributors
Partners ($10,000-$24,999)
Taryn Bayles - In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Harald A. Melkus
Howard Bernstein
Charles R.* & Ruth L.* Bickling
Maria K. Burka
William D. Byers
Brice Carnahan
Robert J. Carpenter
Lance R. Collins
Crane Family Fund
Jennifer Sinclair Curtis
Andre R. Da Costa
Thomas F. Degnan, Jr. & Anne R. Degnan
Basil C. Doumas
Gary J. Fennewald
Bruce A. Finlayson
Gayle J. Gibson
Christine S. Grant
Carol K. Hall
David & Terrie Hallal
William H. Harlacher*
Arthur E. Humphrey
Susan H. Jones
Keen Family Foundation
Mary Kathryn Lee
Cheng Lian
Peter N. Lodal
Peter X. Ma
Emmett R. Miller
Soni O.* & Priscilla Oyekan
Clayton J. Radke
Charles E. Reed*
Mostafa Ronaghi & Parinaz Mohamadi
Howard B. Rosen
Ronald W. Rousseau
Al Sacco
Marvin O. Schlanger
William R. Schowalter
Steven Sciamanna & Sandra Roadcap
Donald C. Seeley*
Warren & Diane Seider
Christine B. & Regan G. Seymour
Jeffrey J. Siirola
Robert H.* & Margaret Smith
Alan Spoon
Jean Tom & Richard Register
Arvind Varma*
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
Wendy C. Young
Supporters ($5,000-$9,999)
John Anderson
Daniel G. Anderson
James R. Beilstein, Jr.
Rena Bizios
Shailendra Bordawekar
M. Allyson Brown
T. Bond Calloway, Jr.
Peter & Janet Chen
Paul J. Coates
Peter T. Cummings & Clare McCabe
Brian H. Davison
Juan J. De Pablo
Dianne Dorland
Richard E. Emmert
Alice P. Gast
Keith E. Gubbins
Thomas R. Hanley
John F. Heil
Hugh R. James
Annette A. Johnston
William E. Katz*
Sangtae & Julie Kim
Henry (Hank) T. Kohlbrand
Michael & Christine Ladisch
Kam Leong
Mark Loughridge
Arthur Coury & Mary Judith Howie
Michael McAtee
Alon V. McCormick
Duncan A. & Suzanne Mellichamp
Michael J. Morgan
John P. O’Connell
Bharat M. Patel
Stanley I. Proctor*
Brandon Purnsley
William P. Raiford
John Rallis
Elsa Reichmanis
Gintaras V. Reklaitis
Roger W. Rolke*
Phillip & Elaine Savage
Robert H. Schwaar
Diane K. Spencer
Arnold F. Stancell
Glenn E. Taylor
Cheryl I. Teich
Gavin P. Towler
James E. Turner
Phillip C. Wankat
Darsh T. Wasan
Robert F. Weimer
Wendell Family Foundation
Individual Honor Roll as of April 30, 2023

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