Pushing the Boundaries of Process Intensification | AIChE

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Pushing the Boundaries of Process Intensification

Special Section

The process industries are being confronted with the critical challenges of industrial decarbonization and the energy transition to address climate change. Modular chemical process intensification (MCPI) technologies offer a key opportunity to tackle these challenges thanks to their lower emissions and energy intensity. To sustain the world’s increase in living standards, the application of intensified and modular technological solutions must be extended to the industries that create materials and products. The RAPID Manufacturing Institute® is committed to furthering the development of MCPI technologies that will address these challenges of our times.

In this Special Section on Process Intensification, we continue last year’s theme to present new applications of MCPI beyond its traditional area of emphasis. The articles within this special section cover topics as diverse as bioethanol purification, recovery of critical materials, pulp and paper processing, and air separation; highlighting some key applications of MCPI to products and industries affecting our everyday lives.

The special section begins with an article based on a RAPID-sponsored project at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Ultrasonic Separation in...

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