AIChE Annual Meeting Will Showcase Technical Innovations for a Sustainable Future, Nov. 5–10 in Orlando

AIChE will spotlight the roles that chemical engineers play in fulfilling the needs of society and industry during the organization’s 2023 Annual Meeting, taking place Nov. 5–10 in Orlando, FL.
At the conference, chemical engineering researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and business leaders will explore the field’s growth areas and the many ways in which chemical engineers are leading the charge to a sustainable future.
In addition to sessions devoted to chemical engineering fundamentals, the conference will examine new areas of research and application — including a new topical conference that addresses decarbonization efforts in the chemical industries. Other sessions explore chemical engineering’s influence on sustainable pathways toward hydrogen-based and synthetic fuels, and the use of new materials as energy solutions. Along another program track, AIChE’s Regenerative Engineering Society will feature the inaugural Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Founder’s Award Lecture — named for that society’s organizer. Sessions are also being devoted to building a more equitable and inclusive engineering profession.
Additional topical conferences cover the challenges involved in managing waste plastics, innovations in process engineering, and the use of sensors in various applications. The Next-Generation Manufacturing conference incorporates topics such as 3D printing, cybersecurity, Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, and process intensification. These topics and others will be examined at more than 700 technical sessions.
An associated Annual Student Conference (Nov. 3–6) will offer career development opportunities — including workshops, scholarly competitions, research poster sessions, and networking activities — for nearly 2,000 chemical engineering undergraduates. Highlights include a welcome keynote talk by Lori Ryerkerk, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Celanese Corp.; a graduate recruitment fair; and the 25th running of AIChE’s Chem-E-Car Competition. Also, at the K-12 STEM Showcase, chemical engineering undergraduates will exhibit chemical engineering principles to an audience of local K-12 students.
With its emphasis on technical innovation and the professional growth of chemical engineers, AIChE’s Annual Meeting is the foremost educational forum for chemical engineers working in research and development. Programmers expect 5,000 engineers, scientists, and affiliated stakeholders to participate in the meeting. Those who attend will gain insight into the field’s latest developments and connect with other professionals.
Featured events and meeting highlights
- On Sunday, Nov. 5, an Honors Ceremony will celebrate the accomplishments of AIChE’s Institute and Board of...
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