When designing a piping system, it is important to select the proper thermoplastic material based on the application and required characteristics.
Piping systems are a great example of how an ancient design can be continuously improved. New and diverse products in the market enable engineers to service the needs of society with more specialized solutions. Piping system specialization can improve the sustainability of the project by increasing the life of the system or reducing losses and energy consumption. New material technology can protect the working fluid from contamination or protect the environment from unplanned releases. Projects can also be more cost-effective and easier to maintain.
There are many reasons why having a variety of piping systems options available is important. Determining which solution is the right solution can be overwhelming. When an engineer is designing a piping system today, they are faced with a variety of newer materials, sizes, and installation technologies that they may not be familiar with. Engineering firms have entire teams dedicated to maintaining up-to-date specifications in an ever-changing landscape of products. Most teams do not have enough bandwidth to review these specifications for each job and can resort to throwing blanket statements into a project, causing stress for the contractor. It is very rare that someone is an expert in every solution available today. One of the main reasons manufacturers offer technical support is because it is in their best interest to provide a successful system.
This article outlines key design considerations that are important to consider when selecting a piping system material. It focuses on the variety of thermoplastics and gives insight on how to classify them. It also reviews important resources available in the industry to support engineers in specifying a successful system.
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