Next-Gen Manufacturing for Resilience and Sustainability | AIChE

Next-Gen Manufacturing for Resilience and Sustainability


Zhang, Q., University of Minnesota


Li, S., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Sustainability and resilience are widely and increasingly recognized as important characteristics of any manufacturing endeavor. This session will discuss strategies for enhancing sustainability and resilience in next-gen manufacturing, as well as strategies for handling and making policies with respect to manufacturing that balance profitability with other aspects of resilience and sustainability, such as environmental concerns. Submissions can include both technical advances as well as corporate initiatives and how those have played out to bring significant returns in safety/environmental considerations and profits. Novel techniques in these domains that enable industrial advances are welcome, with focus on results which have been applied to industrial-scale systems in practice or in high-fidelity simulations. Submissions from industry and national labs are welcome to facilitate discussion at the industry/national lab/academic interface as it pertains to resilience and sustainability for next-gen manufacturing.




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