Lies We Tell Ourselves – Cognitive Bias and Human Performance in Process Safety | AIChE

Lies We Tell Ourselves – Cognitive Bias and Human Performance in Process Safety


Wincek, J., DEKRA Process Safety


Israni, K., Environmental Resources Management (ERM)

Focused on preventing overconfidence bias and maintaining a sense of vulnerability in continuous improvement of process safety programs and performance. Humans are not great at assessing risk.  Engineers in particular tend to be an optimistic group, ready to solve any problem by relying on their technical skills and experience.  They are particularly bad when it comes to assessing high consequence, low frequency events like those typically discussed during a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA).  They may fail to fully grasp the meaning of measurement in unfamiliar units, like risk criteria expressed in terms of once in a million years.  Papers in this session will discuss several lies we tell ourselves when confronted with the need to identify worst case scenario such as “It can’t happen here”, “It can’t possibly be that bad”, “We will know there is a problem and we will fix it”, and “We can engineer our way out of this”. This session is aimed to be fundamental concepts to be shared with those new to the profession or early in their career.




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